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[car_upgrade] 2.0l Turbo Conversion With A Euro Rallye Flavour

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Hi all just thought i would have a go at getting some pics online so you could see my work..only bit left to do is electrics now wich im not lookin forward too at all.i got diagrams of both 406/xm looms if any ones interested,might be able to upload if i get my scanner online..


thats all folks hope the pics of my work...and any good comments welcome B)








edit due to image sizes, Please re-read Forum rules & guidelines with regards to file size for posting pictures.

Edited by pugtorque

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never seen the dump valve fitted there before?


nice intercooler B)

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  Col said:
never seen the dump valve fitted there before?


nice intercooler ;)

Cheers Col..the way i understood it was that the d/v should be as close to the butterfly valve as poss,but then again i have never owned a car with a turbo B) so wat do i know

intercooler was a steal at 100 notes. :(

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s*it!! I better look out for this one roaming the streets B)

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That ic is mad! good luck with it all, the wiring isn't soooo bad.

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hahah yeh you better. B) .going to be a while yet though.cos of that intercooler im going for the T16 kit.which also means full interor exterior respray in white.309 running gear back and front.new oz wheels wit some big spacers.new calipers..new everyting really .already got sparco sprints and konis.so thats one less thing to pay for


who said best things come to those who wait...i wanna take it out to play now!!!

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  DrSeuss said:
That ic is mad! good luck with it all, the wiring isn't soooo bad.


cheers doctor thought you chaps would approve..is there any thing to take in to consideration when wiring it up.i got a keypad with code.i havent really got a starting point if you now what i means.

cheers yo'all

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Just look at the 406 2ltr turbo wiring diagrams, the ecu header pinout should be the same, the keypad isn't so bad, only 3 wires to connect 820, 821 and 822, keypads are generic (i've got 3 that all work just fine)


And DON'T up the boost much, my mates 2ltr turbo just loves to run lean at anything above standard boost.

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  sonofsam said:
cheers doctor thought you chaps would approve..is there any thing to take in to consideration when wiring it up.i got a keypad with code.i havent really got a starting point if you now what i means.

cheers yo'all


Thanks i'll take that into consideration,was planning standard boost to start with.i dont suppose its a simple as getting an uprated fuel pump then if wanting to run more boost.not that im running at all at the moment...

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looking nice

that intercooler is nuts!!!

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  jim205GTI said:
looking nice

that intercooler is nuts!!!


Thanks.its getting there slowly but surely.once its running im taking it out B) for the a rebuild and polish..god i love making work for myself

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surely the only reason to run a larger than standard intercooler is to up the boost significantly, and that cant be done on a standard 2l turbo i read

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  smckeown said:
surely the only reason to run a larger than standard intercooler is to up the boost significantly, and that cant be done on a standard 2l turbo i read

yes i have read the lot.colder air is more combustable being more dense.simple physics..a larger than standard intercooler might be like taking your gti out in a misty wet morning ..when it really flys


and it looks super bad ..like jaw's teeth....whos with me ???

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sander swinkels

I still have to mount my bling bling parts..








Already installed some blue silicon hoses..








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  sander swinkels said:

I still have to mount my bling bling parts..


Sander that looks sweat asa nut,gues you must be good friends with a chrome plater..im going for the polished look..seen as this is what i do for a living.look forward to the pictures of bling bay.

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erm....how exactly are the front wheels going to fit/turn with those huge boost pipes leading to and from the I/C?


Or is there plenty of room and the picture is just an optical illusion?

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  TEKNOPUG said:
erm....how exactly are the front wheels going to fit/turn with those huge boost pipes leading to and from the I/C?


  Or is there plenty of room and the picture is just an optical illusion?

hahaha ..no optical illusions here...im just waiting for two more 90 degree elbows to route those alloy pipes back in paralel with the bottom of the radiator and up into the boost/intake pipe..hopefully they wont foul on my 17" OZ,s ;)

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That intercooler deserves at least 2 bar of boost being shoved through it ;)



You might experience a fair bit of lag though on normal boost as the air is going to have a long way to travel before it get to the T/B.

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  TEKNOPUG said:


That intercooler deserves at least 2 bar of boost being shoved through it :(

You might experience a fair bit of lag though on normal boost as the air is going to have a long way to travel before it get to the T/B.


yeh true its got a fair way to travel...im no big expert on turbo,s this is the first one i have owned,had a couple of 1.9 gti,s before ...and this is my first engine conversion too..im chuffed its on a non sunfoof 1.6 ..been waiting for one of those for a while.

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Good luck with the conversion mate. Looks like its coming along nicely. The wiring isn't that bad to be honest. Extending my loom took a while though :D


I will be running mine at 11psi (9.75psi standard) once I've replaced the actuator. Having seen Rob's RR graphs it runs seriously lean above this. Bit of a shame more power can't be achieved from this engine without spending a lot of cash (custom manifolds etc.)


Mine will be for sale some time early next year....turning to the 'RICE' side :)

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  V1 RDE said:
Good luck with the conversion mate. Looks like its coming along nicely. The wiring isn't that bad to be honest. Extending my loom took a while though :D


I will be running mine at 11psi (9.75psi standard) once I've replaced the actuator. Having seen Rob's RR graphs it runs seriously lean above this. Bit of a shame more power can't be achieved from this engine without spending a lot of cash (custom manifolds etc.)


Mine will be for sale some time early next year....turning to the 'RICE' side  :P


Thanks its getting there.if only my sparky mate hadnt pulled a new lass it would be running by now :) ...i was thinking about investing in a fse uprated fuel pump and perhaps boost valve too...would this make any diffence to the lean problems or is it to do with the injectors??

I,ll be happy running standard boost to start with just as long as ive got my 205 back..serously mising the thrill.


what actuator are you planning on using??


cheers for now :)

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just a few more updated pictures :lol:


the rims are going white to match the T16 kit.only way i can shoe horn the i/c in and a good excuse for some extra track


will be running sometime soon next year..looking forward to some track action


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this is the reference i used for my keypad wiring


pin1=bmf4j battery live

pin2 = nil

pin3 = 820 diag plug (match with number on wire to ecu)

pin4 = 821 diag plug (match with number on wire to ecu. sometimes joined

with pin3 on keypad a short way up the loom)

pin5 = 1031 live while cranking, probably ignore for now

pin6 = nil

pin7 = nil

pin8 = 824 (match with number on wire to ecu or ignore for now)

pin9 = 6219 central locking, state changes when locked, ignore for now, may

prevent rearming if left off

pin10 = nil

pin11 = 3050 (not sure, probably central locking. ignore for now)

pin12 = nil

pin13 =c02 ignition live

pin14 = 822 output to main relay coil. live when immob deactivated (max

300ma, recommend use bulb to limit current while testing)

pin15 = m8200 mass (earth)



hope this helps

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