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Guest Joakim Enoksson

X10j2te Wiring Cables

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Guest Joakim Enoksson



I´m on my T16 monte carlo 2.0 liter turbo projekt and i´m looking for some answers about the wiring for xu10j2te (Peugeot 406 turbo)


I have looking around the internet and got some info at this site but I didnt found anething that explains the cable numbers at the harness(?)


thw wiring number as I have identify on my car:


Peugeot 406 XU10J2TE, motorstyrning, kabelhärva.


Grå kontaktdosa, 14st stift/kablar.


Färg kabel nr info


Vit 426 05 CB 448

Vit 415 05 CB 448

Grön 414 05 CB 448

Röd 412 05 RP 0448

Rosa 822 05 RP 0448

Rosa 8043 05 CB 448

Rosa BF5 05 RP 0448 grov

Grön 8081 05 CB 448

Grön 820 05 CB 448

Orange 8068 05 RP 0448 mellan-grov

Gul 808 05 RP 0448

Gul 1368 05 RP 0448

Grå 821 05 CB 448

Grå 8044 05 RP 0448



Brun kontaktdosa, 18stift/kablar.


Färg Kabel nr info


Gul BB10 05 RP 0448 grov

Grön M44 05 RP 0448 grov jord?

Röd 108 05 RP 0448 grov

Rosa 120A 05 RP 0448 grov

Vit BB20 05 RP 0448 grov

Rosa 400 05 CB 448

Lila 123 05 RP 0448

Brun 012 05 RP 0448

Rosa 410 05 CB 448

Grå 220 05 RP 0448

Vit 401 05 CB 448

Vit 122 05 RP 448

Grön 141 05 CB 448

Gul 1622 05 RP 0448

Gul/grå 140 05 RP 0448

Gul/grå 1072 05 RP 0448

Gul/grå 480 05 CB 448

Gul/grå C02E 05 RP 0448



Please help!!!!! :rolleyes:

Edited by pugtorque

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Grey 14-way connector


Colour No

White 426 05 CB 448

White 415 05 CB 448

Green 414 05 CB 448

Red 412 05 RP 0448

Pink 822 05 RP 0448

Pink 8043 05 CB 448

Pink BF5 05 RP 0448

Green 8081 05 CB 448

Green 820 05 CB 448

Orange 8068 05 RP 0448

Yellow 808 05 RP 0448

Yellow 1368 05 RP 0448

Grey 821 05 CB 448

Grey 8044 05 RP 0448


Brown 18-way connector


Colour No

Yellow BB10 05 RP 0448

Green M44 05 RP 0448

Red 108 05 RP 0448

Pink 120A 05 RP 0448

White BB20 05 RP 0448

Pink 400 05 CB 448

Lilac 123 05 RP 0448

Brown 012 05 RP 0448

Pink 410 05 CB 448

Grey 220 05 RP 0448

White 401 05 CB 448

White 122 05 RP 448

Green 141 05 CB 448

Yellow 1622 05 RP 0448

Yellow/Grey 140 05 RP 0448

Yellow/Grey 1072 05 RP 0448

Yellow/Grey 480 05 CB 448

Yellow/Grey C02E 05 RP 0448

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Guest Joakim Enoksson

Thanks Nik!!


Just did a copy and paste from a word doc from sweish so sorry for the swedish words=)





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Hi,Are those wire numbers from the diagrams for the 406 turbo on the Peugeot mainspot website.

I do recognise some of them,but on my loom both plugs are brown.


120 is fuel pump wire.


I have the ECU pinouts if you need them.


Its also worth doing a search for 'mp3.2' 'XM turbo'(slightly different wiring)'2.0ltr turbo'Lots of it has been talked about before

but nothing significant to those wire numbers really.


Do you have the haynes manual for the 406,this has basic info on

the starting and charging setup also.



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Guest Joakim Enoksson

these are the numbers on the cables right before the grey and brown connetors.....I have big problems to identify the cables from the wiring diagrams and so on....


I bet my 2 last cent for you guys to help me...please!!


havent anyone done a real "walk-throu" to install the electrical?



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I am trying to help you :)


Unfortunately there is no 'walk through guide' to this conversion.

I knew nothing at all about car electrics

when i started on my turbo wiring about 2 months ago,i have learnt so much already

from getting a multimeter to the loom,

asking questions,most of wich are up on this forum also

studying the wiring diagrams and trying to make sense of them.

I know it looks seriously daunting to begin with,and i have learnt

there is no quick fix,its a steap learning curve thats for sure.

But half the wires are not needed,

so that could be your starting point,to identify what wires you do need.

If you want to PM me you email address i will pass you on

all the technical info i have gathered on these engines.

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Guest Joakim Enoksson

okej, sounds like i´m got to go and make my hands real dirty





Please mail me

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Thats the spirit Joakim...You have maill.

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Unfortunately there's no such thing on the 2.0T engine as the wirenumbers are almost never there.


I always use a schematic (which is the same for all 2.0T enginelooms) and go from that. Then it's just measuring. In fact and that would be the easiest for you I guess is to leave the sensors for the dash and startermotor on their old 8V loom and wire in only the live, switched live, and fuelpump from the 2.0T loom.




As you can see in the schematic item 1304 (the large brown multirelay) is the most important thing.


Constant live should be on pins: 15,14,11 and 8

Switched live should be on pin: 3 (which connects directly to wire 2 on the 205)

Fuelpump is fed from pin: 9 (which connects directly to wire 76 on the 205)


This way the engine should at least be running. Also note that above wires are all on the round (or square) multiplug on the engine loom. So just a case of measuring from the relaysconnector to the multiplug to see which wires are which.


Have fun!



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What Hilgie has put above is a GREAT help.. Ive searched the forums, and found bits and bobs, but the way Hilgie described it is nice and simple.I had a good nose at my loom last night.


The relay in question is this one ( well on a 605 SRTI )




The constant live wires are already linked providing your loom hasnt been butchered and just plug into the power box ( little black connector box ) that bolts next to the slam panel.


I followed the pin 3 and pin 9 back into the loom


Pin 3 ( 32A ) breaks off into two wires. One goes to to ECU ( i presume, not followed it ) then other goes into the car


Pin 9 goes off into the car also


Hilgie, you say connect 32a and 76 to the relevant wires on the the 6 pin brown connector under the 205 Dash


Pin 9 will go to pin 2 on the 205 loom

Pin 3 will go to pin 6 ( 2A switched live )


From what I recall ( going back a few years ) doesnt the 76 on the 205 go into a black relay that sits under the dash. Its been a while since ive looked at 205 wiring. Can I lose the black relay from the 205 ?


Also, my turbo engine / loom has a keypad. This has a 32AD and 32D. I presume these need linking somewhere into the switched live part. Any ideas?





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Yes, lose the black relay from the 205 because the large 2.0T relay has all that integrated.


I don't know about the keypad though...the ones I've connected didn't have one.

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Cheers. Engine is now in and im gonna have a go at the wiring tomorrow.. So wish me luck LOL

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Guest Joakim Enoksson

I´m missing the BF00 fuse box passager side....some cables are going into that thing and I just wonder how do I do without it? Is that thing a earth-point?


Thanks for all the help so far....

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  Joakim Enoksson said:
I´m missing the BF00 fuse box passager side....some cables are going into that thing and I just wonder how do I do without it? Is that thing a earth-point?


Thanks for all the help so far....


Yes my loom also came without pass. fuse box,you dont really need it.as long as you have the two engine fuseboxes you should be ok

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Guest Joakim Enoksson

my 205 wideboy is a -87 from the start.


I have mounted the 406 wiring 50amp´s fuse block ad gonna use it. then the original fuses at dashbord. the fusebox for some more cables 406 i´m also gonna use, do I need more...?


How do I do with the cables that goes to the BF00 pas side?

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Guest Joakim Enoksson

I have wired some caböles up but more and more Q popping up in my head.


BF00: What does this thing do? Are there some fuses, and on witch cables are the fuses between?

BM32 goes in with 12v constant, are this connected to some of the cables on the BF00?

CC03 -V193 : What heppends there on the board?

B001- Bridge block, what heppends there?

C02E - are this cables feeb from BM32 with constat + ?

C02M - ?

C02R and B25E - a fuse between them...


I found the hole BF00 strange. REALLY strange.


And then a Q more: 1625: Vehicle speed interface module....I dont really need that ?

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  Joakim Enoksson said:
I have wired some caböles up but more and more Q popping up in my head.


BF00: What does this thing do? Are there some fuses, and on witch cables are the fuses between?

BM32 goes in with 12v constant, are this connected to some of the cables on the BF00?

CC03 -V193 : What heppends there on the board?

B001- Bridge block, what heppends there?

C02E - are this cables feeb from BM32 with constat + ?

C02M - ?

C02R and B25E - a fuse between them...


I found the hole BF00 strange. REALLY strange.


And then a Q more: 1625: Vehicle speed interface module....I dont really need that ?


BF00: is your battery ,according to the diagrams i have

BM32 if its a 12v constant them im assuming that would need to be connected to battery via 205 slam panel fuse box .

CC03 is in the brdge block it looks,i didnt have a bridge block either and i dont understand what i does/purpose,i got my engine running without,so can only assume its to do with ignition,so the 205 should have one inplace already,i could be wrong though on that one !!

C02E,B25E and C02R i cant find for the minute on the diagram.

Vehicle speed interface module i had to buy as i did'nt have it,it apparently has something to do with controlling the Boost regulator solenoid via the ECU,but doesnt realte on the diagrams , i would say its advisable to have one,mine was not wired in when i fired up a week ago,but i didnt drive it anywere

Hope this helps and glad you have wiring up started ok



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Guest Joakim Enoksson

Ihaving a 406 Turbo engine and wire´s...Are you having a 605 or XM, the cable setup are diferent. bf00 isn´t the battery...

the batery is BB00.....


I got a wiring diagram from a guy in sweden....but now I´m locking into the web wiring diagrams, and it seems it are many different setups för the 406, at least 2 wiring setups...hum....


frence people, stop drink wine and put a reasonable wiring in the cars insteed.


haha! cheers!

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whioops my bad, BF00 is passenger fuse box,the little picture on www.peugeot.mainspot.net shows it inside the car passenger side,so can only assume its that.

yeh there are alot of discrepancies between models

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normally find c designated wires are switched positive, but would check as peugeot tend to change them about between models

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I have drawn a brief diagram of how i connected my cables ,it is here on my website,i will try and get round to writing a more indepth walk-through guide soon.

hope this helps a little and does'nt confuse you more :blush:




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Guest Joakim Enoksson

Thanx.....Will look into the wiring picture later.


Component 4315: Fuelgauge transmitter, 2 cables, one earth one siugnal? what is that? What is the same thing on the 205?

cable number 121...dont know were to put it...

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fuel gauge transmitter you dont need to worry about,the 205 has a float in the tank already wired up.

121 dont worry about either,i think its wire 120 wich needs conecting to fuel pump wire on the 205 ,but before it goes through the under dash brown multi-plug,because of the tachometric relay wich is not needed anyway.

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Guest Joakim Enoksson

the 205: tachymetric relay, will I need it? do someone have a picture about that thing...?

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I think Hilgie posted up , that you dont need it,as the turbo loom already has one,no idea were though


This is a tachometric relay and its located here just around the ECU plug connector.


mine ran with it on and still ran when i took the relay off

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